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This list isn't very extensive at the moment. If you have found any good pages, please mail me and I'll include them.

Socket Programming

There are many sources of socket programming information on the Internet. Some of these are listed below:


Other Networking Libraries

There are many other networking libraries available for DJGPP; below are few of these. Please also see section 22.4 of the DJGPP FAQ for more links.
  • A version of Dan Hedlund's WSOCK library was used as the base for this library. It is a C++ library and is worth a look.

  • WAT/TCP for DJGPP, a port of the Waterloo TCP/IP library to DJGPP - This is primarily for DOS, but I think it will work under Windows (not NT though!). It uses packet drivers to interface with the network card. These can be obtained from Crynwr at http://www.crynwr.com/.

  • Phil Karn (KA9Q) has a TCP/IP library for DJGPP. This works with DOS. I don't know much more about it.

  • George Foot has a networking library called libnet, which tries to abstract networking, so that programs don't have to know about the protocols being used.

  • Gisle Vanem has made Watt-32, a port of the Waterloo TCP/IP libary for DOS to DJGPP, with some additional features.


Miscellaneous Networking Information


  • The Packet Driver Specification documents how to interface with packet drivers, DOS drivers with APIs that allow programs to use networks cards regardless of hardware details. One can also find the packet driver collection (of drivers for each network card) at Crynwr's web site.

    Dank's page has a lot of information on packet drivers.

  • The TCP ABI specification describes the API provided by TCP ABI drivers. These sit on top of packet drivers and handle TCP, UDP and IP. [Note that the HTML doesn't display properly - some of the text characters from the specification are lost.]


  • Alfons Hoogervorst has compiled some information about finding out various IP details under Windows into ipdata.txt. While writing parts of libsocket, I used information from this. You may need his registry library for DOS programs running under Windows, regdos.

    Note: This used to be distributed with libsocket, but was removed to save space as it's not relevant for nearly *all* users of libsocket.

  • I've written a brief guide to WSOCK.VXD's services, the WSOCK.VXD Pseudo-Documentation. This is quite technical and will probably only be useful if you are trying to understand the libsocket sources or write your own library.

  • I've written a brief guide to the Coda network filesystem's SOCK.VXD, the Coda SOCK.VXD Pseudo-Documentation. This is in a similar vein to the WSOCK.VXD Pseudo-Documentation.

  • I've also written a brief guide to where networking information for IP is stored under Windows: "Where IP Data is Stored for Network Cards under Windows".

  • Transport Driver Interface (TDI) FAQ - TDI is a method for accessing networking under Windows and is API (but not binary) compatible across Win95 & WinNT. An example of a TDI driver is VPACKET. It may be possible to use this to provide networking to programs running in DOS boxes.

Mailing Lists

  • libsocket Mailing List - Please join this if you are interested in the development of libsocket.

  • dossock Mailing List - This is a mailing list primarily concerned with interfacing to WSOCK.VXD from a DOS box under Windows (as used by libsocket), but also for the discussion of networking from DOS programs.


Projects Using libsocket

If your project uses libsocket, please tell me.

  • Philippe Hanrigou's inetutils Port - He is trying to port the GNU inetutils suite of Internet utilities to DJGPP. Currently he has ftp, tftp well ported.

  • Project V2143 by Gillius - This is a (soon to be?) multiplayer top-down view tank game. It reminds me of a game called Firepower. It looks great. Try it!

  • Mud Term - This is a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon?) client, with various histories and colour.


The layout of this page is by Indrek Mandre, and the content is by Richard Dawe.

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